Pet Buddy Pet Sitting

Providing professional pet care in:
North Decatur, Medlock,
Northlake, Oak Grove, 
Tucker, and Avondale Estates


[email protected]



 oudly serving the N. Decatur, Medlock, Tucker, Oak Grove, Northlake and Avondale Estates areas of the Atlanta Metro suburbs

How do I get started?

For all New Clients, after you’ve gotten familiar with our website and have read over the information offered here you may hit the New Client button in the Reservation Box on this page. Exisiting clients…just hit your button!

What services do you offer?

For a full list of our Services, please check out the Services Page of this website.

What areas do you service?

We proudly serve the Tucker, Northlake, N. Decatur and the Oak Grove areas of Dekalb County. Specific zip codes are listed on the Service area page.

What pets do you care for?

Cats, caged pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs, fish and some reptiles. Sorry , no, snakes aren’t on that list! Mixed pet households with dogs will be evaluated at the Meet and Greet. I can not take on the care of large dogs or dogs that jump or will knock into me due to chronic knee injuries nor can I walk dogs.

What are your rates?

Vacation and Business trip sits start at $24 per visit.

How do I pay for service?

Cash, Checks and Credit and Debit cards. Cards are accepted via Square.

 Where are the pets cared for?

All pets are cared for in the client’s homes.  It is illegal to board pets in a residential home in Dekalb County, therefore, I do not board pets in my home. Allowing pets to stay in your home is less stressful for them. This way, your pets continue their normal routine in an environment that they are used to as well.

What is a Meet and Greet?

This visit should ideally be scheduled at least one week prior to your departure date.  The visit usually lasts between 30-40 minutes and will provide time for you to show the sitter where all your pets, food, litter boxes and supplies are located. This will also give the sitter and your pets time to get to know each other.  At the meet and greet, all documents will be provided for the owner to fill out.

What the sitter will need from you at the meet and greet:
– Please be prepared to go over any alarm systems or security measures regarding your home.  T
he sitter will need the alarm code, password and the number for the alarm company at this time.

– The client must also have 2 copies of the keys for the sitter at this visit. If an additional trip is needed to pickup the keys, the client will be charged a trip charge of $23.
– A copy of your pets’ vaccination records and microchip numbers will need to be given to the sitter.
– Any other useful information for the sitter to have while you are away.  For example, emergency contact numbers or anyone else who will have access to the house while you are away.

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