Image result for feline heartworm

Considering the graphic above, most cat owners do not use a heartworm preventive for their feline family members. While cats are not the ideal host for heartworms, they can be severely affected by this disease. And yes, indoor only cats are also at risk. Mosquitos are the carriers for this common disease and can enter a home via humans, dogs and thru open windows or around doors and other openings to the home.

While in dogs, the worms primarily invade the heart – in cats the pulmonary system is most at risk.  Although because of a cat’s size, only 1-3 heartworms making their way into a cats heart can be life threatening. Symptoms for heartworm disease in cats include asthma like breathing or coughing, chronic vomiting, lethargy and sudden death. Treatments are not always proven effective as cats are more fragile than dogs when it comes to the prolonged treatment methods. So the best course of action to protect your feline family member is to use preventative care BEFORE your cat is infected. Your cat’s veterinarian is a great resource in helping you keep your cat safe from this potentially deadly disease.


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